Osprey Sunning

Osprey sunning.
The same morning we photographed the Osprey fishing on Merritt Island, we also scored this beautiful scene on the way out. The Osprey was enjoying the warm morning sun on a perch. It posed for us a while but eventually flew off when a crowd gathered behind us. Osprey are one of my favorite raptor, or close to a tie for first with Eagles, and are always great to photograph.
Tamron SP 150-600mm Di VC USD G2 lens on a Nikon D-500, Manual Exposure mode, f8, ISO 220, shutter speed of 1/1000th of a second, handheld, processed in Lightroom Classic CC. #WithMyTamron, #TamronUSA, #TamronLensesUSA, #TamronImageMaster, #Tamron150600g2, #BearWoodsPhotography

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